Ascent – 6 mo Female Puppy **ADOPTED**

**ADOPTED!** Ascent is a female red & white beagle puppy around 6 months old. She is coming with three of her friends to Oregon from Oklahoma. She is lively and adorable and looking for a home with people who have the time and patience for a puppy in their lives.

Ascent will not know this name so you can introduce her to the name that you think fits best, as you teach her all the things good beagles need to learn about the world. Puppies need to be socialized with lots of different people and places and experiences, and those should be arranged to be nice positive experiences. You’ll need to help her learn where to go potty, how to be walked on a leash, what kinds of things are good to chew on, and of course, how wonderful it feels to be loved and snuggled!

CBR recommends puppy kindergarten when pups are fully vaccinated, and then basic obedience class with their owner to continue learning good manners (and the people can also use a little spiffing up on their dog training skills too). Most of all, a puppy needs patience and love from her family so she can grow into the best grown-up beagle she can be.

First time beagle owner?  Please read “BEAGLES 101” to help better understand the breed!!

ADOPTION FEE: $600.  (Includes spay, vaccinations, microchip, vet exam)



You are donating to : Cascade Beagle Rescue

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