Options Other Than Rescue
This information was adapted from
"When You Can't Keep
Your Chow Chow" written by Karen Privitello, Lisa Hrico & Barbara
Reproduced & Excerpted with Permission.
Not that long ago, you were thrilled to have a Beagle puppy of your
very own. You never dreamed you'd have to give him up someday. Even if you
can't keep him any more, your dog still depends on you to do what's best
for him, just like he depended on you when he was a puppy. Now, more than
ever, he needs you to make the right choices for his future.
Throughout this booklet, we're going to be direct and honest with you.
Your dog is your responsibility. He has no one else but you to look
out for his interests. It'll take effort, patience and persistence to find
him the right home. He deserves your best efforts.
Finding a new home involves several steps. Before you start, there
are some important things you should know about...
Shelters | "No-Kill" Shelters/Rescues |
Soul Searching
Not that long ago, you were thrilled to
have a Beagle puppy of your very own. You never dreamed you'd have to give
him up someday. Even if you can't keep him any more, your dog still
depends on you to do what's best for him, just like he depended on you
when he was a puppy. Now, more than ever, he needs you to make the right
choices for his future.
Throughout this page, we're going to be direct and honest with you.
Your dog is your responsibility. He has no one else but you to look
out for his interests. It will take effort, patience and persistence to find
him the right home. He deserves your best efforts.
Finding a new home involves several steps. Before you start, there
are some important things you should know...
...about Animal Shelters...
Shelters and humane societies were created to care for stray and abused
animals. They weren't meant to be a drop-off for people who don't want
their pets anymore. Shelters, on average, take in 100 new animals or more
each day. Let's face it - there won't be enough good homes for all of
them. Even the best shelters can't boast much more than a 50% adoption
rate. Only the youngest, friendliest, cutest and best behaved dogs are
going to be adopted.
By law, stray pets must be kept several days for their owners to
reclaim them. They may not be destroyed until that period is up. Dogs
given up by their owners aren't protected by these laws. They may be
destroyed at any time. Shelters don't want to kill all these animals but
they don't have a choice. There just isn't enough room for all of them.
Shelters today are so overcrowded that your dog could be killed the same
day it arrives.
Being purebred won't help your dog's chances of adoption either -
almost half of the dogs in many shelters are purebreds. If your [Beagle]
is old, has health problems or a poor attitude toward strangers, its
chances of adoption are slim to none.
Sending your dog to a shelter in hopes that he'll find a good home is
wishful thinking. It's more likely that you'll be signing your [Beagle's]
death warrant. A shelter is your last resort only after all your best
efforts have failed.
about "No-Kill" shelters and Breed Rescue services...
True "no-kill" shelters are few and far between. Obviously, no one
wants to see their pet killed so the demand for no-kill shelter services
is high. So high that they're forced to turn away many pets because they
don't have room for them all. Sometimes they have to choose only the most
adoptable dogs to work with.
Breed Rescue services are small, private,
shelter-like groups run by volunteers dedicated to a particular breed.
Most of them operate out of the volunteer's home. Like no-kill shelters,
demand for their services is high, so high that your dog may be turned
away for lack of room. A breed rescue can still help you place your dog by
providing referrals to persons interested in adopting your dog. You'll
have the most success if you follow the rescue service's advice and are
willing to do your share of the work to find a new home.
... Soul Searching...
Do you really have to give up your [Beagle]? There's a big
difference between being forced to give up your dog and wanting to "get
rid of him". Search your heart for the real reason why your dog can't live
with you anymore. Be honest with yourself. Your answer will probably fall
into one of two categories: People Problems or
The Most Common People Problems:
"We're moving - we can't find a landlord who'll let us keep our
dog."....... Many landlords don't allow children either but you'd
never give up one of your kids if you couldn't find the right apartment.
Affordable rental homes that allow pets are out there if you work to find
them. Most people give up too easily. Click
here for
suggestions that might help you find an apartment and still keep your
don't have enough time for the dog".......as a puppy, your
dog took far more of your time than he does now. Are you really that busy?
Can other members of your family help care for the dog? Will getting rid
of your [Beagle] really make your life less stressful? When they look
closely at their lives, people often discover that the dog isn't cramping
their style as much as they think.
The Most Common Dog Problems:
Behavior problems.........If you got your dog as a puppy and he
now has a behavior problem you can't live with, you must accept the fact
that you are at least partly responsible for the way your dog is now.
You have 4 options:
1. You can continue to live with your dog the way he is.
2. You can get help to correct the problem.
3. You can try to give your problem to someone else.
4. You can have the dog destroyed.
Obviously the first option is out or you wouldn't be reading this
page. You're probably most interested in Option 3 so let's talk frankly
about that for a moment.
If you were looking for a dog
and could select from all kinds of dogs and puppies, would you
deliberately choose one with a behavior problem?
No, certainly not - and neither would anyone else. To make your dog
desirable to other people, you're going to have to take some action to fix
his problems.
Most behavior problems aren't that hard to solve. We can help you with
them if you'll give it a try. Think hard about Option 2 before deciding it
won't work for you - because the only option you have left is number 4:
Having the dog destroyed. That's the bottom line. If you, who know and
love the dog best, won't give him another chance, why should anyone else?
Think about that.
If your dog is aggressive with people or has ever bitten anyone, you
can't, in good conscience, give him to anyone else. Could you live with
yourself if that dog hurt another person, especially a child? Can you deal
with the lawsuit that could result from it? You stand to lose your home
and everything else you own. Lawsuits from dog bites are settling for
millions of dollars in damages.
Our society today has zero tolerance for a dog with a bite history, no
matter how minor. A dog that has bitten - whether or not it was his fault
- is considered by law to be a dangerous dog. In some states, it's
illegal to sell or give away a biting dog. No insurance company will cover
a family with a biting dog. And to be perfectly honest, no responsible
person in his right mind would want to adopt a biting dog.
So you've read this far, and still feel
that you need to give away your Beagle.
We thank the Chow Chow Club Inc.'s
Welfare Committee for permission to reprint the above.
Please click here to explore how to proceed with
finding a home for your Beagle on your own.
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